The Art of Mindful Visioning:
Transforming From Vision to Reality

After working with countless clients, I have discovered one of the main reasons why people don't achieve what they want in life is because they don't have a clear vision defined for themselves.

As a result, their attention is on whatever is in front of them - the "day to day" stuff. And because of this, they inadvertently recreate their past.

When we're merely "dealing" with what life throws at us today, our focus is actually on our past. That's because where we are today is simply a sum of our past choices, decisions and actions. And whatever we focus on grows.

This is why having a vision for ourselves, as well as cultivating a capacity to maintain our focus on it - is essential if we want to have a different experience of life than what we're already familiar with.

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If traditional goal-setting methods have left you feeling unfulfilled or disconnected, the Art of Mindful Visioning can help you unlock your creative potential and envision a future that truly excites and inspires you.

This contemplative training program from our Inner Foundation Series gives you the tools and strategies you need to cultivate a deeper sense of presence and mindfulness in your daily activities, while allowing you to see how your actions fit into the "bigger picture."


Do you feel lost or unclear about the direction of your life, work or relationships?

Do you struggle with staying focused or motivated, especially when faced with stress, overwhelm or setbacks?

Do you feel like you're constantly busy but not making real progress towards what truly matters to you?

Or maybe life is pretty good right now, but deep down you have this feeling it can be even better.

The Art of Mindful Visioning is NOT a course on goal-setting. It operates at a much deeper level. The course will teach you:

How to create an effective vision for any area of your life (e.g., health, relationships, career and finances) so you can wake up every morning with a clear sense of direction, knowing exactly what you're working towards and why it matters to you.

How to train inner alignment and focus with the outer results you choose to create (e.g., joyful productivity) so you can live a life that truly feels like your own, where what you do matches who you are and what you aspire to achieve.

How to cultivate a strong belief and certainty in your vision so you can confidently pursue your goals, overcome obstacles, and stay committed to your path, even in the face of challenges or uncertainty.

How to generate and sustain motivation irregardless of external circumstances so you can consistently make progress towards your goals, maintain your focus, and achieve success on your own terms.

How to tap into your deeper "why" to drive you towards realizing your vision so you can maintain unwavering commitment, navigate challenges with resilience, and find true fulfillment in your journey and achievements.


And even if you already have a clear vision declared for yourself, this course can still be instrumental in helping you cultivate a deeper sense of belief and trust that your vision is truly possible for you to realize. Often, we can get caught up in doubting our own capabilities - or even our worthiness in actually getting what we want.

For some, this can manifest in various forms such as procrastination, imposter syndrome, or fear of failure. For others, it can show up as difficulty in making decisions, constant comparison to others, or a tendency to always "play it safe."

The Art of Mindful Visioning will guide you to align your beliefs with your desired outcomes through a series of tailored strategies and exercises. This alignment process is essential in developing a belief system that will empower you, transforming doubt into confidence, and turning vision into reality.



Course Overview

Participants in the Art of Mindful Visioning will be committing to a 3-module (self-paced) program. All lessons are pre-recorded.

Each lesson contains:

Lesson videos that introduce
the concepts and skills being trained

Journaling/contemplation prompts

Guided meditation/inner training
audio recordings

Energy reset techniques
to use throughout the day

Sample Lesson Topics:

  • Creation Is a Skill: Just Start Practicing
  • The Key to Sustained Motivation
  • The Illusion of External Success
  • Cultivating Emotional Mastery
  • Committing to Self-Evolution
  • The Power of Visualization
  • Doubt Dissolves With Vision
  • Wherever You Go, There You Are
  • Cultivating Fulfillment Beyond External Circumstances



MIKE WANG is a coach for heart-centered high performers and creator of the Inner Foundation Series contemplative training program, which helps people learn to manage their energy and align mental and emotional strategies in order to achieve greater fulfillment in life, work and relationships.

He is also a meditation, qigong, tai chi and kung fu teacher - having practiced these contemplative mind-body practices for over 25 years and has been teaching out of his studio in Boulder, Colorado since 2007.