Why Momentum Can Be a Good Thing (Even If It’s Scary)
In today's video, we're going to explore a topic that might feel a bit intimidating for some people at first, but trust me, it's something we all need to embrace: momentum. Now, momentum can feel a bit overwhelming for a lot of people, but I hope you'll see why it's actually a good thing to welcome into your life.
So, what exactly is momentum? Simply put, momentum is the result of our sustained focus. When we keep our attention on something, whether it's a goal, a milestone, or a vision, we start to build energy around it. This energy propels us forward, creating a sense of movement and progress. Think of it like a snowball rolling down a hill — it starts off small, but as it rolls, it picks up more snow, getting bigger and faster. That’s exactly how momentum works in our lives.
But why does momentum scare us? For many people, the fear of momentum comes from a few key places. First, there's the fear of the unknown. When momentum starts building, it means change is coming. And change, while exciting, also brings uncertainty. We worry about losing control over our familiar surroundings and routines.
Then there's the fear of failure. Progress often means taking risks, and with risks come the possibility of failure. As we move forward, the stakes feel higher, and the fear of making mistakes can make us hesitate.
And let's not forget the comfort of familiarity. There’s a certain comfort in the familiar. When every day looks like the last, it’s predictable and safe. Momentum disrupts this comfort zone, pushing us into new, uncharted territory.
Lastly, with momentum comes growth, and with growth comes more responsibilities and higher expectations. Often from others, but more importantly, from ourselves. The perceived pressure to maintain this progress can feel daunting.
One clear sign that you might be afraid of momentum is if your days start to blur together. If both your today and tomorrow look like yesterday, and you feel like you’re not growing or expanding, it’s a signal that you might be resisting momentum. Life is all about flow and movement, and when we resist this natural flow, we end up feeling stuck.
Embracing Momentum
Now that we understand why momentum can be scary, let's take a look at it from a different perspective, and see why it’s actually a good thing.
First off, momentum means growth. It’s a natural part of moving towards your goals or any vision you may hold for yourself. Embrace it as evidence that you’re on the right path.
Second, momentum means change. However, instead of seeing it as a threat, which is actually hardwired into our nervous systems because of our survival instincts, view it as an opportunity. Every step forward is a chance to learn, grow, and experience something new.
Third, it’s important to talk about enjoying the journey. Sometimes we get so focused on the end goal that we forget to appreciate the process. It makes sense why we may limit ourselves if we don’t take space to appreciate the journey. Celebrate the small wins and take time to enjoy each step forward.
Our confidence also plays a role in throttling our growth and progress. The best way to overcome self-doubt is through action. One of my favorite sayings is, "Doubt dissolves in action." Start with small steps and gradually take on bigger challenges. Each action builds your confidence and reduces fear.
Remember, failure is just a part of the process. It’s through mistakes that we learn and improve. Embrace failure as a valuable lesson that helps you to grow.
And finally, create a support network. Surround yourself with people who encourage and support you. A positive environment can make a huge difference in how you handle momentum.
If you're surrounded by people who always "play it safe," and as a result, through no fault of their own, influence you in such a way where they encourage YOU to ALSO play it safe - that's really going to define what you'll be able to create for yourself, unless you're intentionally cultivating focus, like we do in the Inner Foundation Series. In IFS, I share practices to help you train focus, regardless of what’s happening in your surroundings.
How to Embrace Momentum in Your Life
Start by shifting your perspective. See momentum as a positive force that helps you grow rather than something to fear.
Focus on small wins. Break down your big goals into smaller, manageable tasks. Celebrate these small victories to keep your motivation high. Remember, it's not just about reaching external goals; it's about the inner emotional state we experience AS we are making progress towards our goals. We want to feel joy and a sense of accomplishment AS we are working TOWARDS our milestones. It's these expansive emotions and feelings of fulfillment that truly keep us motivated and engaged on our journey.
Next, we want to take consistent action. Regular, consistent action builds momentum. Even small daily actions can lead to significant progress over time. Without consistency, momentum can never build.
Lastly, we want to always be reflecting and adjusting. Take time to reflect on your progress and make adjustments as needed. This helps you to stay aligned with vision, or whatever outcomes you’re wanting to create in your life, and keeps the momentum going.
Stay open to change. Be flexible and open to new opportunities that come your way. Embrace change as a natural part of the growth process.
While momentum might feel scary at times, it's actually a powerful ally on your journey. It’s a sign of growth, progress, and the natural flow of life. By understanding why we fear it and shifting our perspective, we can embrace momentum and let it propel us towards the fulfillment of any vision we hold for ourselves. Remember, life is about movement and flow. Embrace it, and watch your life transform in beautiful ways.